Minutes of the 2 February 2017 Meeting

Minutes of meeting held on 2nd Feb 2017
At NHS Sports Club with 24 members and guests.

The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Mssrs Kaye and Bradbury.

Rob Atkin, National list AR our guest for the evening then gave an interactive presentation entitled “ How to be liked as a referee “. This took the format of speed dating where the younger members got two and a half mins selling themselves to their older colleagues. With the older saying who impressed the the most after all had been round. It was the three youngest lads who impressed with Tom getting 5 votes; George 3 and Conor 2. Rob also gave an outline of his career with experiences. This was a highly entertaining evening which got everyone talking to each other.

Considering Rob asked to be on first so he could get away sharpish, aiming to finish about 9, the presentation finished 9.30 and he stopped to the end.

Details were given, regarding dinner, Lol Cussons evening, polo shirts.

Colin Atkinson said that some referees’ were not sending in disciplinary forms. Was mentioned that the Whole Game system was not always working.

There being no more business meeting closed at 9.50.

Ian Hotchkies


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