Minutes of the 1 September 2016 Meeting

Minutes of meeting held on 1st September
At NHS Club with 23 members and guests.

Prior to the meeting there was a meeting with the latest intake from the forthcoming course hosted by Sam Bayley and James Unwin, and supported by other senior members. They were invited to stay for the main meeting.

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting including the parents of the new young referees.

Apologies were received from Mssrs Milburn; Heward; King; Butler.

Minutes of last meeting were on line, no matters arising

Membership Subs are now overdue, and increase to £25 if not paid by the end of this month.

Polo Shirts: York RA have decided to get our own, and the committee were modelling them. They are on sale from Brandon or via the website at £15. Cash with order, if we have run out of stock. Thanks given to Dave King for his work in organising them.

Problem Corner: not wanting to frighten the young recruits dissent was left of the topics. Things covered included fees/expenses; AR co operation; unusual incidents were all discussed.

Due to a SENIOR MOMENT by the secretary who had a mix up with dates, our guest would not be with us. Sam and Jonny used resources on the RA website to host a presentation on simulation.

A o B Dinner to be held 22 April at Marriott.

Meeting closed at 9.15

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